EduLink is our latest answer to the recent dramatic events bringing to your attention the most advanced and modular Student, University and School Protection system available

EduLink is a variant of security and tracking software developed by Datalink Systems for Government and Military Agencies in a number of countries. Edulink is CLOUD based and one account will provide total security communications for an entire School District. EduLink consists of three elements. A CLOUD based DataGate processor, a WebGate Web-Browser App for Android and Apple Smartphones and Computers and RedAlert emergency App installed in Smartphones, providing around the clock security for Students and work security for Teachers and other Staff members..

Being CLOUD based, EduLink can be in place and running in a matter of days, with other elements added as needed. The WebGate Administrative control program would be installed in existing computers at the School District Offices. WebGate can be accessed by existing computers in each School. Windows or Apple.

EduLink makes use of the existing Wi-Fi Networks within School Grounds and 4G/5G networks to link remote School District computers at each School and with Security personnel. In an emergency, key personnel can be reached wherever they are within cellular service or local Wi-Fi in seconds. Additional or dedicated security Wi-Fi repeaters may be required. School Police using Nexedge Portable Radios can be automatically emailed with alerts and other details using Datalink’s Email bridge.

Edulink offers a range of services covering easy to use systems for Elementary Schools up to University level including RedAlert. Ideal protection for University Students.

EduLink is a “sole sourced” service developed by Datalink Systems Inc, and available through appointed resellers. For fast activation of EduLink it is available on six month rental contracts, bypassing formal bidding processes which may be delayed.



RedAlert is a personal protection App for Students’ and Teachers’ Smartphones. For Students attending a University it provides protection around the clock. RedAlert allows Teachers, Students and other Staff members to touch an emergency button to send an alert to Security Monitoring desks. Where the alert can be relayed to police or EMS as required.


Vocalis PTTOC is an optional group Push to talk Applications that can be installed in Administration Staff and optionally in Teachers’ Smartphones, allowing two-way group communications including ‘School Police and other Emergency Responders.


Edulink compatible GPS and Data processing Hardware solutions can be installed in School Buses allowing for direct communications with ‘School Bus Drivers allowing for the lock-down of the School Bus and students in an emergency.


 VOCALIS PTTOC Dispatch Software allows ‘School Police full communications with live video at a fixed office desk on the go Laptop and Tablet control from any location over local cellular networks.


When a REDalert is triggered by a classroom teacher as an example, that alert is automatically relayed to School Police security desks and by Email to a number of outside agencies including EMS and local Police Departments.

EduLink also allows instant communication with School Bus Drivers instructing the driver to secure the Schoolbus and to hold the students in the Bus until informed an incident is resolved.
VOCALIS PTToC live video streaming provides Police and School Security personnel with critical information.

The VOCALIS PTToC App can also be installed in existing Android and iOS smartphones.

VOCALIS PTToC is fully integrated with DataGate.

CLICK HERE for a more detailed Power Point

Built-in NFC reader in Ulefone Smartphones allows School Security Staff to simply touch each access door wall tag which logs date and time the security check was performed.

The W2-4G Wireless terminal keeps School Police and Dispatchers in voice and GPS contact with School Bus Drivers at all times. In the event of an emergency the drivers can be instructed to lock down the School Bus until informed otherwise.