Above and Beyond

GPS Tracking for
P25 Networks

Datalink Systems USA Inc. has teamed up with BK Technologies in order to provide advanced GPS and data processing over analog and P25 networks. Tracking is currently available in analog and digital GPS tracking of portable and mobile radios. These radios must be equipped with internal GPS modules or GPS equipped mics.

M-150 radios act as base GPS receivers linked by serial cable to local Datalink DataNET host mapping software or remotely over Iridium satellite or cellular backhaul.

P25-M150 Radios Act as Base Radios for GPS

BK Technologies’ portable radios are a popular choice with wildfire firefighters at a global level. When integrated with Datalink’s DataNET IP packet communications, range can effectively be unlimited. As an example a KNG-M150 acting as a mobile base radio linked to multiple KNG2 portables can connect via the serial port (cable) to a Datalink i50 MobiHUB with internal Iridium Satellite or Cellular modems. This allows for global data and GPS communication to remote bases in seconds.

Datalink i50 MobiHUB

Target Markets

Wildfire Firefighting


Government Agencies

For government and military applications Datalink DataNET software and i50 MobiHUB can be supplied with AES-256 encryption.
The heart of Datalink’s multifaceted services is our well proven DataNET back-end software that can be installed in any Windows computer (locally or remote). DataNET can link to remote mobile assets over a choice or wireless networks, including LMR – SMR VHF/UHF networks, NEXEDGE, BK Technologies P25 Tier 1, ICOM IDAS, cellular, and satellites (Iridium and Inmarsat.).

DataNET is a software suite consisting of DataGate acting as a cloud-based or local, multi-network central processing hub. DataNET also includes WebGate with access on multiple local web browsers for workstations, laptops, and smartphones.


DataGate can merge Kenwood – ICOM – BK Technologies – EF Johnson P25 and Motorola P25 onto one screen. Aircraft AFF feeds can also be merged onto the same screen through DataGate.

Our Global Clients

Datalink International and its core team have been working together for over 20 years. In that time Datalink has created specialized solutions for a wide range of clients around the globe. The Royal New Zealand Air Force equipped its P3 Orion long range patrol aircraft with Datalink i50 MobiHubs and were later involved in the search for the missing Boeing 777 MH370. The Swedish Space Agency uses the Datalink i50 MobiHub to control high altitude scientific balloons rising to altitudes over 100,000 ft.

US Embassy Attack

On September 2011 Taliban fighters attacked the US embassy in Kabul. A few days later the US State Department contacted Datalink to ask if Datalink could provide a GPS application to work with the embassy’s P25 portable radios.

Datalink delivered a working solution, including DataGate and WebGates, within a few weeks. Providing GPS tracking for all their P25 portables.

London Metropolitan Police

In 2007 the London Metropolitan Police anti-terrorism squad contracted Datalink to develop an Android-based, covert GPS tracking system for undercover officers.

UK Ministry of Defence

Datalink is under a multi-year contract to deliver bespoke variants of DataGate for undisclosed applications.

UK Ministry of Defence

US Marshals Service

US Department of State

Australian Attorney-General's Department

Royal New Zealand Air Force

Philippine Navy

Swedish National Space Agency

London Metropolitan Police Service