DataGate has been proven for over twenty years of field operations by government and military agencies. DataGate has no equal. It merges multiple networks, satellite and terrestrial, with hardware made by a variety of manufacturers. GPS track and text communicate with a wide range of assets fixed location and mobile.
These assets can include land vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and employees. DataGate network compatibility includes: 3G, 4G, and 5G cellular. UHF/VHF digital radios (NXDN, DMR, TETRA, ASTRO-25, MUPS). Inmarsat, Thuraya, and Iridium satellites.
DataGate installs on local servers or in the cloud. An encrypted version is also available with AES-256 encryption for law enforcement applications. It also allows the sharing of GPS and other data between agencies, each operating their own DataGate, or by encrypted ODB database sharing routed through an affiliated DataGate. These can be operated independently by other agencies, such as state police, sheriff’s departments, and local police departments. They can be hosted on local servers, in the cloud, or VPN networks (ODB) on a national basis.
Embed & Custom Web Interface
DataGate is including a web server allowing to instantly serve a secure web interface to users without any need to build and use complex web components. Our web platform is called WebGate, it is a Graphical User Interface allowing Web-Browser access to our server, providing you have the correct credentials. Allowing users to access the data from any web browser without installing software. Each user is assigned various permissions, ranging from simple read-only mapping to complete remote administrative control over assets and users. Mobile assets assigned to different departments can be fully segregated with each department seeing and communicating with their assets and field personnel. Senior management can be granted access to view and communicate with all field assets and personnel. Customise options let you put your logo, your url, SSL certifcates and custom colors.
Integrated Connectors into DataGate
DataGate is fully ready to send and receive Emails and SMS. It has an integrated complex email server inside that allows any alerts and notifications to be relayed by email but above all generate an email address for each assets added on the server. Groups of assets can also have their own email address for mass and/or automated texting.
DataGate is also able to connect to standard SMPP gateway and include also SMPP API connector with SMS provider such as ClickSend. This is also how some assets can have a fail-over link over SMS and send their text or GPS report though SMS instead of IP.
DataGate can be configured to output asset data packets on TCP connections. DataGate acts as a TCP server, and will accept connections on the TCP Server port from programmable IP addresses. Various text output formats are available including but not limited to Pipe, NMEA, CSV, SANAV, etc …
With DataGate XML enabled, DataGate provides a web service which can be used by clients to monitor and send messages to assets. This web service is located at the /xml page accessible via the standard DataGate web interface. DataGate supports two main formats: MultiSpeak and DataGate messages. Both formats use SOAP XML packets transported over HTTP.
DataGate can push data to an external web service using HTTP POST packets. Data can be formatted in various ways, depending on customer requirements. Push can also be enabled per user account, allowing multiple feeds to be configured from a single server.
Simple TCP/IP connections can be used to send and receive transparent data to/from certain assets.
Third parties can also use one of the web pages served by DataGate such as KML or RSS Web Feed. It It alows Web Clients to log in and download a KML list or GeoRSS feed of asset locations. These lists are accessed by adding “/kml” or “/rss” to the web address.
Provides a means for terminal clients to log in and set their IP address for secure access to remote devices.
Direct Satellite Interconnections
Iridium SBD & SMS
Isat Data Pro & Bgan
Spot & Simplex
Thuraya IP & SMS
3rd Party Interfaces
Serve many different mapping options through the embedded map connectors inside DataGate. You can interact with some ESRI ArcGIS server serving Vector maps and more. DataGate can be interfaced with Google Map using Google Token or your own Google Enterprise Server. DataGate can also ingest WMS feed ingested
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