Table of Contents

Asset Config

Click on the arrow icon at the end of each asset row to show an action menu. Click on the Config line to open the configuration menu.

The content will depends upon the rights and permissions that system admin have granted to your account.

A standard user with minimal rights and permissions will only see an information pop-up but the system admin can grant him some more so that even a standard user can modify for example the asset name, reset the hourmeter or odometer value or create a maintenance task.

A supervisor user who have been granted with multiple groups or sub-groups access, will have the ability to switch an asset from a group to another. An admin user will have extensive access with maximum control over the asset config.

Asset Summary Info

1 All the identification details of the Asset including its current group. If available device firmware version and vehicle VIN are shown here too

2 Specify the current network used by the device and the odometer + hourmeter value (that can be set / reset further down in this asset configuration window)

3 Calculations of the data usage per day and per month for each network used (Cellular IP / Cellular SMS / Satellite)

Asset Display Main Choice

1 Asset Description: This is the name of the asset that will be displayed in the asset list but also in the map labels. When the email-to-asset feature is enabled, this will be also the email address assigned to the asset (assuming there is no space in the asset name, otherwise it will be assigned the Asset ID instead)

2 Asset Tag: This is an optional asset information / reference / temporary custom status that you would like to assign to an asset and that will be shown also in the asset list

3 URL: This is an optional field to add a web page link which will be clickable in the asset properties window when the asset will be selected in the asset list. This can be for example a specific url giving customer details on an asset for example

4 Group: This is the group in which the asset is placed and will be therefore inheriting of the group specification (like a custom group icon colour for example). You can use this drop-down menu to change an asset from a group to another if you have the sufficient rights.

5 Share with Sub-Groups: When the asset is place into a master group, it can be shared or not with sub-groups of this parent group.

Asset Name Change

Group Swap

It is very easy to move an asset from a group to another assuming the user trying to proceed have access to both groups and is at least a supervisor.

Simply use the drop-down menu to assign the new group to the selected asset. Here we will move the asset from Group_1 group to Group_2 group. At the end, do not forget to save using the button Update Asset to edit which users have access to it.

This is also possible to create a new group or sub-group if you actually need to switch the asset in a non-existing group.

Configuration Options










Icon Colours

Assets are displayed using small circular icons by default. Colors can be set based on group assignment, or by setting a custom color under asset config settings. Icon colors can also be dynamic, based on the most recent status report for some devices, alarm status for Smartphone apps, or a digital input state for example. Custom colors are entered as three hexadecimal numbers (0-9 or A-F), representing red, green and blue primary levels, with zero representing the minimum, and F the maximum value.

Here are some examples:

To add more red, increase the first character (up to a maximum of F). To reduce the amount of red, decrease the first value (down to a minimum of 0). Likewise, adjust the green level with the second character, and blue level with the third character.

You can click on the picture on the left to zoom and check the full colour code

Two custom colors can be defined by using six characters, where the first three characters represent the first color, and the next three represent the second color. For example, red and blue would be defined as F0000F. Note that if you wish to use black as a second color, it must be entered second. For example, black and white would be defined as FFF000.

When two colors are defined, it will alternate the colors every 0.5 seconds. One possible use of this feature is to generate red/blue flashing icons when a police car has its warning lights on.